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Week 5 Discussion _ESE

Week 5  Discussion _ESE

Q Week 5 We looked at application forms, T&E ratings, and other data that come from resume review this week. In light of the sheer number of applicants for many positions (often in the thousands!), more and more companies are moving toward using text-analytic software that reviews resumes and provides ratings on candidates. These programs are made to look for certain terms and can be used to either automatically reject candidates, or provide a score regarding the rating of the candidate. Share your thoughts on this practice. Is this an appropriate use of analytic software? Are candidates or hiring managers likely to accept or reject the use of this practice? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using text-analytic software?

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It is true that a typical employer receives hundred and thousands of job application on daily basis. The task of selection and elimination in a manual manner is a huge task which is time consuming. This is the reason more and more companies now are using text analytic software. This software reviews the resumes and provides various ratings for candidates. This automated procedure makes the selection procedure easy and fast. Yes, I do accept that in this automated screening process is not perfect and they also commit error.